Tag: Supreme Court Bar Association

Coordination Committee to address issues related to virtual hearing and other

The Supreme Court has issued directive to set up a coordination committee with the representatives from the registry, the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) and the Supreme Court Advocates on Record Association (SCAORA) to address issues pertaining towards virtual hearing, e-filling etc. The same communication has been made to both. The committee shall comprise of

Top 5 Legal News

1.No new petition under Section 7  Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code to be entertained without filing record of default: NCLT The National Company Law Tribunal has directed filing of default record from Information utility along with new petitions under Section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. 2.Such an election should not be permitted to hold the field”,

Dignity, prestige, and honour of Supreme Court Bar eroded due to infighting: BCI stays SCBA resolution suspending Ashok Arora

The Council took up for consideration a representation received from Mr. Ashok Arora, Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association against the resolution dated 08.05.2020 passed by the Executive Committee of Supreme Court Bar Association thereby suspending him as the Honorary. Secretary of Supreme Court Bar Association and divesting him of his powers as Secretary with immediate effect