Forgery under IPC


Forgery suggests that a made-up or false document or to repeat one thing illegally. A forgery could be a deceitful act of making a replica of a document, cheques, written bond, signatures, work of art & property marks etc. forgery is completed by the one that has the intention to cause damage, and deceit by producing a false document. Under Indian penal code, it comes under the offence about documents & to property marks. Under this section 463 deals with the forgery whereas its penalization is given under section 465. And sec 464 tells regarding what constitutes a false document whereas sec 465-469 talks regarding a lot of aggregate variety of offences of forgery. And sec 470 deals with the forged document that what’s a false document which might be forged.

Section 463-Forgery

This section explains that the offence of forgery takes place once someone makes any false document or false electronic record or part of a document or part of an electronic record simply to cause harm or injury to the other person to commit fraud.


1. Creating a false document or electronic record.

2. To cause any harm or injury.

3. To support claim or title.

4. Intention to commit fraud.

5. To cause any individual to part with the property.

6. Dishonestly or fraudulently.

7. To enter into any categorical or inexplicit contract.

Section 464-Making a false document

This section deals with the creating of a false document or false electronic record in 3 ways.-

1. once somebody dishonestly or fraudulently makes any false document or electronic record or sign or execute a document or makes denoting marks and dead that document with the intention to believe that the authority is aware of that and affixed or dead an equivalent.

2. Secondly, it says whoever makes any false document or dishonestly alters or cancels any document with none lawful authority and reason to believe that it’s been created either by himself or different person and while not knowing that the person was dead or living at the time of such alteration.

3. Thirdly, it says whoever cause any individual to sign, execute or alter the document or electronic record or affix his electronic signature or electronic record knowing that such person is unsound mind or intoxicated or not within the position to grasp the content of the document.

Making a false document

Section 464 explained regarding creating a false document. A false / cast document or associate degree electronic record could be a copy of one thing that was created with the intention to use as the real record.

It is not necessary the document ought to be revealed or created within the name of an existing however it had been necessary that the document should be wrongfully capable of effecting the fraud meant or should seem on its face as if it had been true and would possess some legal validity.

To cause any harm or injury.

The intention to cause any harm or injury by creating false document / electronic record is that the essence of this offence.

To support claim or title

The word “claim” isn’t meant to mean to claim of the property solely however it additionally includes a claim to the custody of children or married woman or claims to be admitted as a student to any course of study.

Intention to commit fraud.

The offence of forgery is formed to represent a fraud with an intention to deceive or by any suggests that of deceit to get an advantage is critical if a document is formed by fraud with such intention then the offence of forgery is committed.

Dishonestly or fraudulently

Dishonestly is outlined under section twenty-four of IPC that states that whoever will something with the intention of inflicting a wrongful gain or wrongful loss to a different person.

Fraudulently is outlined under section twenty-five of IPC that states that if any individual will any this with the intention to diddle however not otherwise.

Section 465-Punishment for Forgery

This section talks regarding the penalization of forgery for creating any false document or a part of a document with the intention to cause any harm or injury or that is mentioned under section 463of IPC. therefore whoever commits forgery shall be punishable with imprisonment up to 2 years or fine or each. And this offence is non –compoundable, non-cognizable, bailable and triable by the justice of the primary category.

Section 466- Forgery of record of court or public register etc

This section applies to those cases within which an individual forges a document or electronic record or seems to be a record roughly that it should seem to possess been issued by berth. The offence under this section is an aggravated form of the offence of forgery.

Example- Register of birth, certificate of wedding, baptism, burial etc.


1. Cast document or electronic record

2. The document seems to be –

A) Record of court proceedings.

B) Register of birth, certificate of wedding, baptism, burial etc.

C) Register unbroken by the general public servant.

D) Certificate or document created by employee in his official capability.

E) Authority to institute or defend a suit.

Section 467- Forgery of valuable security, will etc.

The offence under this section is an aggravated form of the offence prescribed by the preceding section. the solid document that purports to be valuable security inside the which means of this section, can or power of lawyer or an authority to adopt a son or authority to receive the principal, interest or dividends or authority to receive or deliver cash, transferable property or valuable security or receipt of acknowledging the payment of cash shall be punishable with imprisonment of life either description for a term which can extend to 10 years and shall be at risk of fine. The offence underneath this section is non-cognizable., non-bailable, non-compoundable and triable by a justice of the primary category. And if the forgery is of a debt instrument of the central government is cognizable.

Section 468- Forgery for the aim of cheating

This section says that whoever commits forgery has the intention to use cast document or electronic record for the aim of committing cheating shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years and shall even be liable to fine.

Section 469- Forgery for the aim of harming name

This section states that an individual who forges a document or electronic record for the aim of harming somebody name shall be tortured with the imprisonment of either description for a term which can be extended to 3 years &shall also be liable to fine and therefore the offence underneath this can be a cognizable, bailable and it had been triable by justice top notch.

Section 470- cast /Forged document or electronic record

This section talks regarding the forged document. So, it says that if a document is formed false either part or all by cast then it’ll be termed as a forged document or electronic record.

Section 471- using a real a forged document or electronic record

This section states that any individual who dishonestly or fraudulently used a forged document that he knew or has reasoned to believe to be a forged document for real shall be punished in the same manner as if he had cast such document or electronic record.


Forgery is an offence that was committed by creating or dishonest or fraudulently false document or electronic record to cause harm and injury for wrongful gain or wrongful loss to a different person or affixing digital signature or seal or sign or dead or transmitted or alter or cancellation either within the name of himself or different person whether or not he was fictional at the time of alteration. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove the intention of the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt.