High Court allows 12-year-old rape survivor to terminate Pregnancy

The Bombay High Court on Friday allowed a 12-year-old rape survivor to get her 23-week-long pregnancy medically terminated.

The mother of the survivor had filed the petition in the first week of June, saying she suspected that her minor daughter was pregnant. On enquiry, the child revealed that she was repeatedly raped by some people from the neighborhood.

On June 26, the High Court had directed the medical board from the Government Medical College at Miraj, Maharashtra to examine the 12 year old, pursuant to which the board advised that if the pregnancy is allowed to progress, it will have severely affect the mental and general health of the survivor and therefore she should be allowed to terminate the pregnancy.

Accepting the recommendation of the board, The Court has now asked the petitioner woman to approach the government medical college at Miraj where the minor’s unwanted pregnancy will be medically terminated on July 6.

 Meanwhile, the court has directed the hospital to preserve blood and tissue samples of the fetus which may be required as forensic evidence in the criminal case.