Author: Raunak Ranjan Pradhan


Wet Markets and other type of traditional markets are the pulpit to supply meat not only of domestic animals but also of wild animals. Before pandemic coronavirus this market was not known to everyone but now everybody is familiar to this. The orientation of this market is that it sells perishable products and which is pernicious to people’s health. Wet Markets are very common in every Country for selling poultry, meat, live animals and sometimes wildlife. They got the name ‘wet’ because they keep the products aeon and live on ice, as well as to make the floors salubrious they wash floors clean drench in blood from amputated animals. Every year we heard the news of spreading disease like Bird flu, Swine flu in chicken and other animals. But this time covid-19 at ab initio stage originated in Wuhan, China which has been attached to previous confirmed case. Wet Market not in herculean sense report opinionates the market was supplying and selling wildlife. Zoonotic disease can come into existence from animals to humans due to interface intervening the Perilous disease into crowd where there are conglomeration of people. Pandemic Coronavirus is one of the major cause of wet markets where there was direct connection between humans and animals. Due to this wet market, the situation of every country has become Rachid. This Zoonotic disease exert a detrimental effect on human health. Once a person is in the impact of this deleterious disease then they are not able to convalesce. There are multifarious animals which are sold in the wet markets. China is the biggest pulpit of the wet markets and Novel coronavirus spread due to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, a wet Market in Wuhan [China]. It has a heterogeneous market which sell unexpected and perilous animals which is Deleterious for human health. People before consuming it not even think once that this animal is full of squalidness and it can be detriment to human health. All Wet Markets do not sell live animals but the term wet Market is sometime used to clarify a live and blithesome animal market in which vendors strangulate animals on order of the customers. Wet Markets are not herculean its very common in many parts of the world. Due to social Paragon, local customs, Pricing factors and freshness of food it is playing sophisticated roles in urban food security.  This Market is multi-dimensional because it has multiple open-air stalls spread over a large area that not only sell live animals but also sell vegetables, fruits, meat and fresh seafood.


India is a Gargantuan market for meats. Market not only consist of Poultry, bovine and fish but also species which are illegally trade across the Country. The states like Jharkhand, Bihar and Odisha where people consume and sell the meat of Turtle illegally. Consuming meat does not augment the risk of disease transmission. It shows cumulative effect when animals are clampdown, when they are fatigue and stressed, stored in small places in congestion and close contact with humans during the slaughtering procedure. Major cause of spreading virus is immune system of animals get debilitate under duress. When they are rattled at one place and they are not allowed to be unleashed then disease starts burgeoning in the body. This arise as insidious problems for everybody. Virus comes to jurisdiction of food handlers or customers through animal body fluids. The augmenting effect of this disease is the negligence on the part of the humans.

The across world is going through excruciating circumstances and everybody is facing exacerbate problems due to unnecessary Paranoia created by coronavirus. Now Leaders, Health experts and International bodies including United Nation demanding to ban on wet Markets. After the thriving effects of coronavirus, China closed Huanan Market, but re-opened it again. Meat consists of nutrition for a large section of people. Tyrannous actions are needed and macabre consequences are seen due to origin of diseases from wet Markets.


The provisions of the Food safety and standard act, 2006 mentions all the laws regarding food. FSSA initiates food harmonization as per international standards. The Food Safety and Standards(Licensing and Registration of food Business) Regulations, 2011 refers to license and registration of food business. To ensure safety and salubriousness a valid license is needed for any food related operation. The act also prohibits illegal slaughtering and butchering of animals. The act mentions such business should be in the pug Gestion of proper license and they have to follow guidelines for hygiene, principles laid by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. There were only a few accumulation of animals were allowed to be slaughtered and they are- Goat, Sheep, Fish, Pigs, Poultry etc. The Prevention of cruelty to animals (slaughter house) rules, 2001 consist some rules and regulations for veterinarians that before slaughtering of animals they must ensure that animal is healthy and disease free. In the case of Mirzapur Moti Kureshi Kassab Zamat, the honorable Supreme Court validated the Bombay Animal Preservation (Gujarat amendment) Act, 1994, by which the State prohibited slaughter of cows and its progeny.


Wet Market is a type of platform where different types of meat of animals are available. Before pandemic coronavirus Wet Market was not in the limelight. Due to avariciousness and self interest of human beings this market shown moribund situation. Human beings are sadist and perilous social animal because for making his life scrumptious he slaughter the animals. But scaffold the unexpected animals and consume it creates detriment on human health and due to that virus spread everywhere. Prohibiting Wet Markets tyrannously is not the solution. It affect to those person who does business of meat etc. Instead of ban there should be very harsh laws for wet markets.