On 2nd May 2020 (Saturday), the Delhi HC has reserved its order on a petition filed by Delhi Police against the Bail granted to sanjeev Chawla an alleged bookie and accused in one of the biggest cricket match fixing scandal, by ASJ Patiala House Court. A Single – Judge bench of Justice Asha Menon Delhi
Both Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas and Khaitan & Cohave rescheduled the joining dates for all fresh hires to October 2020. The firm confirmed that it had committed to hire a total of 78 freshers to start in August 2020, but declined to comment further. There are several reasons for the move. In pandemic situations likely to be a nightmare,
Lokpal member Justice Ajay Kumar Tripathi died of the corona virus infection on Saturday. The former chief justice of the Chhattisgarh High Court breathed his last at New Delhi’s Jai Prakash Narayan Apex Trauma Centre of AIIMS. Justice Tripathi, 63, tested positive for the Corona virus last month and had been in the intensive care
Case title – Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli (Petitioner) versus The state of Telangana Represented by its principal secretary (Respondent) Division Bench of Chief Justice Raghvendra Singh Chauhan and Justice A Abhishek Reddy. Advocate General BS Prasad to submit a report. WP(PIL). No.74 OF 2020 Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. High Court may be
In the light of the extension of nationwide lockdown , On 2nd May 2020 Delhi HC had also decided to extend Its restricted functioning till May 17. The terms of the court functioning , both in the HC as well as in the Subordinate courts, will be similar to those prescribed in earlier orders dated
A minor girl was sexually assaulted and ended up conceiving. In order to seek for permission for termination of the pregnancy, an application was moved before the Special Judge, SC/ST Cases, Churu who directed for a medical examination to be conducted in order to ascertain the girl’s mental and physical status, as well as that
About E-Justice India E-Justice India is an Online legal Service Provider to Law students, Lawyers & Attorneys. E-Justice India calls for unique and unpublished research papers, Articles, Short Notes, Book Reviews & Case Comments. Theme Article may be on any theme related to law. Submission Guidelines It should be in Word.Docx format. There shall be
The Supreme Court refused to stay the Central Vista development/redevelopment project, estimated to cost ₹20,000 crore. “During COVID-19 situation, nobody is going to do anything and there is no urgency,” said Chief Justice SA Bobde. The Central Vista in the national capital houses the Rashtrapati Bhawan, Parliament, North and South blocks, the India Gate, the
On 1st May 2020 , The law Ministry through its notification has elevated five judicial officers as additional judges of the Karnataka High Court. This is happen when the a five judge of Supreme Court collegiums had recommended their appointment. The Judicial Officers including Shivashankar Amarannavar, Smt M Ganeshaiah Uma, Vedavyasachar Srishananda, Hanchate SanjeevKumar ,
The 2 Judge bench of Supreme Court comprising of Justice Ashok Bhushan and Sanjiv Khanna today (01-05-2020) granted interim protection from arrest to Advocate Prashant Bhushan in FIR registered against him by Gujarat Police alleging hurting of religious sentiments The Fir was registered over the critical comment made by Bhushan in twitter (On March 28)