Interview With Adv. Najeeb Khan (YouTube Lecturer)
Interview With Adv. Najeeb Khan (YouTube Lecturer)
Hello Everyone, here we Invited another Person who needs no Introduction. (Adv. Najeeb Khan) If you are a Law student, You must know him.
1. Sir, How would you like to introduce yourself to our readers ?
My name is Najeeb Khan, I am from Uttar Pradesh and I am a student, also a lawyer and I make videos related to law on YouTube. I have done LLB and am considering doing LLM. I am the first member of the family who is in the legal field. No one in legal field from my family except mine. I have done and do mostly self studies.
2. What Motivated you to pursue a career in the legal field ?
I have all been interested in two things, one is science, when I could not do science, my background became commerce and after science, the one who has the most interest is law, so I had the option of law. Along with this, another friend of mine was Shamvil Rizwan, who qualified the UP PCS J 2018, so he inspired me, he was my senior. As I had interest in law and seeing them, I became more inspired.
3. Tell us something about your teaching engagements.
I never wanted to be a teacher because I found the life of a teacher simpler than usual, and teaching children was normal work, which I did not like. I always thought that I would do something else but I would never become a teacher, never thought that we would go indirectly in this field. But now we have come right into this field without any desire.
4. What was your motivation behind starting your career as an online Tutor ?
See, there was no motive for this work and after deciding something, it did not start, let me tell you how it got started. It was 2017, when I was preparing my topic, I used to forget it despite preparing it with good concepts. There is a big drawback in me that I avoid writing so that I do not have to write, so I thought why not instead of writing something, I should record it somewhere in audio or video so that I can see it immediately when needed.
But if kept in laptop, sometimes all the videos would be deleted after formatting. Then we thought to put it on YouTube so that it can remain on YouTube for a long time and if anyone wants to see it, they can also see it. After forgetting to put it on YouTube, I forgot it and when I saw it after a few months, I was overwhelmed with lots of comments in which I was requested to make more videos. This led to my encouragement somewhere and then I started making online videos.
5. In your opinion, Does law school prepare students for real world challenges ?
I do not know much about how law school prepares students so I cannot comment on it. But I have realized that knowledge is very important in the field of law, people who say that the whole is based on the practice, this is not the case at all. Knowledge is very important, if you do not have knowledge then you will not be able to implement it practically. But along with that, practice is also very important, but even if we only depend on studies, we will not understand law because law is associated with practice. Therefore, anyone who studies or teach anyone, it is very important to keep these things in mind. If someone has to teach something, it is equally important to explain it practically. For example, if someone is taught Robbery or dacoity, then by creating that scene, it will be more beneficial.
6. Sir, Would you like to give some tips related to Judiciary to our readers & Is it possible to prepare for it especially during the period of studies ?
See, I believe that the sooner you start preparing for judicial service, the better. What many people do is that after starting the law or when there is one year left in the completion of the law, then they start preparing but this is not the right way.
The first thing is that what you will study in your integrated LLB or LLB course is almost the same thing for judicial service and if you know beforehand and you will do double or triple hard work on it, then it will be better for judicial services.
So the first thing from the time you start preparing will be the more right thing and secondly that preparation does not mean that you start studying complete Judicial Services, many things are also there to understand.
Such as syllabus, patterns, from where questions are asked, where are concepts based questions are asked, how to prepare, where are most questions asked, how to do answer writing. It takes a lot of time to understand all this and if you know this thing first then you will get a lot of help as well as you can take guidance of experienced people from you.

7. Is it possible that practice and preparation of Judiciary can be done together ?
It depends on a lot of factors how he has studied in his law school. These things depend on many things like how a student is practicing, how long he is practicing, how long he is studying law.
Maybe you go to court for a short time and read the rest of the time, depending on how the background of the law is, it also depends on it. If a person stays in the court from morning till evening, then he can read even if he comes and studies, but for that he should have the dedication and division for the subject.
Depends on its preparation as well, like if you want to qualify in one to two years, then you will have to give more time, but if you give more time to work, your years will increase. If you are spending less time, then what happens in two years will come out in five years – six years. Because somewhere that these tests are done, for judicial services, they test you keeping in mind many things that you will not get from practice. So it can not be understood that if you are practicing, then you will easily qualify the judiciary exam.
8. How do you maintain a Work Life Balance?
See, what I am doing at the moment and my profession is the same, so I do not have problems because what I study is taught there by me. if one goal is fixed for life it and working hard for it, then life becomes easy and life is easy for me, But if my two fields were different then I would have faced the problem.
9. What are the challenges you have faced in building your career as it stands today ?
I don’t think I have build any career, as I told you that I started posting videos and the motive was something else but I told you what happened. I had not even thought that I would do this, If I wanted to do this, then I would keep working on YouTube the whole time.
10. What advice do you have for our readers ?
See as much as I have seen, your site was very good to us, one more thing I would like to say is that you are doing a great job, no matter even if you get frustrated, keep working regularly, don’t stop updating and posting your Content and to remove , the other thing I do not know much about this, but I am the same I will say that students & people related to legal field, should come to this platform which is the platform of E-justice and get regular updates let them know new changes which are coming in the legal world. Thank you so much.